понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

ductless air condition

�������������� People of the outer party live in fear. They live in fear of their own children and their own thoughts. This fear has been instilled in them by the Party as a tactic to keep everyone obedient. Obedience is necessary for the life of this government to continue. People in Oceania know that they will at some point be vaporized by the Party. Knowing too much about any one thing leads to death. "Ignorance is strength" keeps citizens from ever wanting to investigate happenings or people. In Book Two, when the protesting turns on a dime from Eurasia to Eastasia, no one questions why? How can the enemy become the ally? No one asks and no one dares, for the simple fact that knowledge is death. Like the Outer party members that did not question when the ally and enemy flip-flopped, I was amazed at how quickly Winston accepts Oapos;Brienapos;s invitation. His need for truth and knowledge has blinded what he knows about the party. The lies and falsefication of the Party, donapos;t stop because someone turns off a telescreen and tells you heapos;s part of a mythical gang.

�������������� In book two, i noticed a lot of foreshadowing. Winstonapos;s dreams about the darkness seems to be a reocurring theme. What does the darkness represent? in the second page of the book they talk about Ministry of Love being the worst ministry, and it just so happens to be the place where Oapos;Brien works. It says that there are no windws, indicating possible darkness which would be the ultimate torture for Winston..

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