понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

ductless air condition

�������������� People of the outer party live in fear. They live in fear of their own children and their own thoughts. This fear has been instilled in them by the Party as a tactic to keep everyone obedient. Obedience is necessary for the life of this government to continue. People in Oceania know that they will at some point be vaporized by the Party. Knowing too much about any one thing leads to death. "Ignorance is strength" keeps citizens from ever wanting to investigate happenings or people. In Book Two, when the protesting turns on a dime from Eurasia to Eastasia, no one questions why? How can the enemy become the ally? No one asks and no one dares, for the simple fact that knowledge is death. Like the Outer party members that did not question when the ally and enemy flip-flopped, I was amazed at how quickly Winston accepts Oapos;Brienapos;s invitation. His need for truth and knowledge has blinded what he knows about the party. The lies and falsefication of the Party, donapos;t stop because someone turns off a telescreen and tells you heapos;s part of a mythical gang.

�������������� In book two, i noticed a lot of foreshadowing. Winstonapos;s dreams about the darkness seems to be a reocurring theme. What does the darkness represent? in the second page of the book they talk about Ministry of Love being the worst ministry, and it just so happens to be the place where Oapos;Brien works. It says that there are no windws, indicating possible darkness which would be the ultimate torture for Winston..

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

benihana new york

Some lady leaving the ER said that to me at work the other day. It was so sweet. People donapos;t even usually say bye but she came and talked to me for a little while. So, certain people make me actually like my job. A little.

Anyways, Iapos;ve decided to start training for the boilermaker. Itapos;s July 12th, 2009 which gives me about 9 months to get ready [or 265 days according to the countdown clock on the site]. And I suppose Iapos;ll be needing every one of those days haha. I am definitely not a runner and am in no condition right now to run a 15K. But 9 months is plenty of time to get there.

Seeing as running the Boilermaker is one of my life goals I suppose itapos;s something I�NEED to get started on as opposed to should just be getting started on. The last couple days I ran/walked 4 miles on the treadmill... But thatapos;s cake compared to running on road in the middle of summer. The treadmill basically propels you. But I figure if I use the treadmill to get in better shape over the winter then by the time nice weather comes around Iapos;ll be ready to tackle running outside.

I used to run down my road all the time, but I do have bad knees [at age 22, how old...] so hopefully that doesnapos;t cause any problems

Well, today I worked, ran, saw family and now Iapos;m exhausted. So, goodnight.

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country epigraphy father latin pater patriae

I wake up thismorning and all of a sudden everyone is asking like 1000 things of me.
im getting pulled every which way.
Im very stressed out.
the past few days havent been going very well. And today I just lost it.
Iapos;m pissed, Iapos;m upset, crying. I can only take so much crap from everyone. Everyone who knows me knows that I can take a lot of crap from people, but when I get to a certin point I just canapos;t take it anymore. And I get like this.

I have to stop being so damn nice to everyone. But I canapos;t help it, itapos;s just who I was brought up to be.

Right now I just wanna fall asleep and not wake up.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

drinking game crazy

I went all the way back to 2003, when i started this journal.
holy shit, do i ever hope iapos;m different.

on a completely separate note,

today, hanging out with you, was a serious fucking stretch.
i meant everything i have ever said to you, and you just donapos;t get it.
you say one thing and do the complete opposite. I donapos;t even know if you realize it.
youapos;re a fucking hypocrite.

and what bugs me, is that i stopped myself short of calling you and your ridiculousness out.
i just donapos;t want to deal with your arguments and your incessant need for attention.
iapos;m done with that bullshit.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

caicco comprare


I seriously figured the Red SOx peaked too early in this series to have a chance. I mean, come back from 3-0? No problem. But take the first game? Theyapos;re screwed. So imagine my COMPLETE SHOCK when after turning off the game in the top of the 7th inning with a score of 7-0, I take a quick look at mlb.com to find out just how bad the slaughter ended up being just to read SOX ESCAPE 7-0 HOLE, EARN WALK-OFF WIN


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abhijeet album sawant

So i took the GED.
Found out that i passed two out of the five parts.
Iapos;ll find out about the rest in a week or two.
Once i figure out if i passed,
Which i hope i did,
Iapos;ll be able to get my license.
Or more like my permit. LAME
Iapos;m 17 and just now getting my permit.

After i get my permit
I guess im going to get a job,
i need one.
Iapos;ll just use my two feet to get there for now.

After i get my license my moms going to buy me a car :)
So atleast then iapos;ll have a way to get places.
Not that i will be able to.
I suck at getting anywhere

But after i find out if i passed the GED
Im going to apply for a junior college in the spring.
Start online courses and try and move forward with my life.
Hopefully iapos;ll find people to talk to at the college.

It feels like here lately all my friends are gone.
Its probably just cause i dropped out.
But i mean even Anthony doesnapos;t really talk to me.
I figured Heapos;d be the one i spoke with the longest.
It didnapos;t take long for us to stop almost completely.

But i have a plan.
And its not bad really.
So Iapos;m going to go thro with it.
Idk where life is going to take me.
But its time i stop fighting it.
And just do the things i need to....

And while i know im saying this
god only knows how freaked out im going to be
Through out life really.
i just hope iapos;ll find my way.
And be good at what ever i happen to do.

shit i need to think about that too.....
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fats dommino

As I did in high school, i slacked off very often. At the ending of the semester, i caught up on all of my work and barely passed, but came through in the end. I fear that i am carrying on with my bad high school habits, but hope I can change. I need to pass all my classes whether its with a 70 or not. I need to get good grades in all of my classes. I wanna try and recieve that 100, but I think and know that that is not possible at this point right now. I hope I get my act together, and soon.
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flats to rent in dundee

Michaelapos;s day out looking for work had turned into less of a job hunt and more of a best pizza parlor in Jersey hunt. He considered it more or less a huge success, it only took four hours and he was coming back with three steaming boxes of doughy, meaty, cheesy goodness. Ted would be happy, that much he knew.

He opened the door, backing in and stuffing his keys back into the pocket of his sweatpants, kicking the door shut and grinning around a mouthful of circulars and forwarded mail that heapos;d collected on the way up.

"Ffedd" he called, grinning and dropping the mail from his mouth to the hall table, trying again. "Ted Food You here?"

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

discs of tron mame rom

Okay so my current bitchyness is about how Iapos;m at school in the Music theory lab ( where we try to bend the physics of notes) and Iapos;m on an Apple computer. Now, if you donapos;t already know this, Apple sucks big flaming monkey balls and swallows it all (and then has to pee out needles just for extra punishment). However, if you ever encounter a website with any drop-down menus and youapos;re using an Apple, you will never be able to access anything on the drop down subdivisions. Because Bill Gates was raped as a little boy by big big men.


I severely miss Mike and Laura. I really wish I hd the internet at my house and then I would talk to them everyday and bug them with how much Iapos;m so not random anymore.

Oh, if either of you actually check my journal anymore, I got married. To Jeff. The marine. And heapos;s all smexysmexy and we do the smexy smexy and while we do the smexy smexy I think of how smexy smexy Laura is and I wonder about what kind of smexy smexy Mikeapos;s having and then I run out of thought tape and black out until itapos;s over.

They wouldnapos;t require you to learn Windows if Apple had any effect at all on the computer world.
Speaking of, if any of you out there own an iPod, youapos;re a bitch.
Or iPhone or iTouchmyself or iJerkothersoffwithmymouth.

No really. If you guys havenapos;t given up on me, message me, talk to me, show me pictures of your naughty no-noapos;s.
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